Adminkit People

All employee information in one place.


Highlight Personell ENG


Get started with personnel administrative tasks in only 5 minutes! 




Alle ansatte samlet på ett sted. 


Frontboks 1 - Personal


Kom i gang med personaladministrasjon på bare 5 minutter!




Eirik Mikalsen i Skiguard

Eirik Mikalsen

CEO in Skiguard

- Adminkit covers all the primary needs within HR. It has effectivised our work and given us better overview.
Ken Lie Haugen i Draga

Ken Lie-Haugen

CEO in Draga

- As a busy engineer with HR responsibility, I appreciate getting an SMS with a message about who has a birthday tomorrow. I can also see where everyone is on the home page; whether they’re working from home, are ill or on holiday.

Work contracts in 5 minutes

A good work contract paves the way for a good relationship between the company and the employee, and creates clarity.


You no longer need to use out-of-date templates when creating a work contract. It takes no more than 5 minutes to create a work contract in Adminkit.


When the agrrement is ready, it can be send to signing directly (with BankID), and the signed contract goes straight into the employee’s profile.

Work contract
Vacation and leave

Absence and leave calendar

Gain an overview over sick leave, vacation planning and vacation days left using Adminkit. The employee requests their leave, which is then approved by their manager. 


Every employee has their own calendar, in addition to a calendar that’s used by the rest of the compant. This way, it’s easy to see who’s at work, working from home or on holiday.


Employee overview 

Here is where you collect all personal data in a secure system. There are many benefits: 


  • All personal data is easily available 
  • Always up-to-date – the employee keeps the data up-to-date themselves 
  • Easy-to-use export function 
  • Reminders for birthdays and other important dates 
  • Allergy overview 
  • Quick access to emergency contacts, in case of emergencies
  • Storage of files in the employee profile 


Adminkit. Foto: Heidi Marie Gøperød

It’s easy to get started with Adminkit!